
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Angels and Friends

A Christmas ago, I remember an old craft that my mom had introduced me to - making paper angels (or trees) out of Readers Digests.  My sister-in-law Eunice sends us a subscription to Readers Digest every year and I get my best jokes and motivating articles to send to Ben from them. THEN, what to do? Well, here is one project.  I made these for friends that year and it brought joy.


  1. Ohhhh...So THAT'S what you do with old Reader's Digests! What a great idea! (and glad to contribute to the cause! lol)

  2. Mama, I'm going to try to make these. Can you do it with bigger magazines or do they have to be reader digest size? I'd like to get some more use out of my back issues of American Theatre.
