
Thursday, January 27, 2011

T shirt quilt and Sweater

Christmas 2008 - I knitted a sweater for Elizabeth - my first! and so far my last. And for Ben, I took some of his old tshirts, including one with Cookie Monster (that his Grandpa John had given him as a baby), and made him a quilt. I had more fun that Christmas!


This piece was my FIRST EVER piece of embroidery. It was for my mother for Mother's Day and she kept it! Amazing. The words say: "For Mommy, For the wonderful home you gave me to love and cherish my whole life through. All my love, Janet"

It began

I was about 8. My best friend's grandmother, Nana, taught me to embroider. I was hooked. Ever since then, my passion has been to work with my hands, creating - embroidery, crosstitch, crewel, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking,crafting of all sorts. Always making things for those I love. It is somehow inextricably linked with who I am in Christ. Sharing these things with those who know, and don't know, Jesus. I was MADE FOR THIS.