
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Today and Everyday The Celebration Goes On

Today Elizabeth's blog challenged me to celebrate little things. I sure don't do that enough. I don't laugh enough either. I miss laughing.

So this week I am going to celebrate:

My small group - they make me laugh!

The faithfulness of my husband - sometimes he makes me laugh, too!

Growing up as Ben's mom and learning new and hard lessons about letting go.

My job - that it is THE ministry that God has provided for me to do.
Living in Colorado.

And you? What do you celebrate today?

All my love to all of you.  Janet

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Begins with This

I admit it. I am a goal/resolution/organization freak. I am not always good at it but I love the challenge of it every single year. I have 14 pages in my planner of things I would like to do, plan to do, ideas, etc. and charted plans for each of the next 12 months. The things included are simple things but ones that get me to where I want to go for the year. And lest you think, WHAT, 14 PAGES!!! IS SHE CRAZY?, it really is much more about simplifying my life. Knowing what I need to do and when and how - that kind of organization gives me so much margin in my days because I DON'T plan to do too much. Those pages are resources and ideas, not have-to's. The charted months - those are what I work off. And when the end of the year comes, I am not scrambling to finish stuff that should have been done ages ago.

I read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (most of it anyway) and the one that stood out to me most profoundly was "begin with the end in mind". For a new year beginning this means looking ahead to December 31, 2012 and asking myself, "What would I like to see accomplished/changed and what are some specific ways of getting there?"

Generally, my goals and resolutions fall into categories that are fairly common to most people. So I won't bore you with the details of my lists. (and even though they are common, they are very personal. I think they are shareable only with Elizabeth who understands me! Eric understands and he sees it firsthand.)  I just wanted to share that I find planning the year month by month or even week by week way more effective than setting a goal for the whole year.

Example: I want to read Book A and Book B in the month of January. Book A has 200 pages and Book B has 175 for a total of 375 pages. I divide that number of pages by 31which is just a notch over 12 pages a day. So if I get going and can read 24 pages most days that I can read, I am likely to reach my goal of completing Books A and B in January. And more motivated in February! All of my goals and plans can be worked out in this way. Bite-sized.

This also helps me plug things into my "brain", i.e. daily planner. And yes, I have a paper planner. I cannot and will not use an electronic ANYTHING to schedule my life. Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

So here's to you task-oriented goal oriented folks and here's to you laid back folks who take it as it comes. I know the one thing I want the very most is to be more in love with Jesus than ever at the end of 2012!

I would love to hear all of your new year plans and goals and hopes and dreams.

Because He lives, Janet

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pinterest Inspiration


Dear Blog, here I am with you and Elizabeth, vainly trying to teach me things and take me places I don’t think I want to go. I am learning all about Pinterest. More importantly, I am discovering who I am. Or at least more about me. I have goals. See below.

Love, the Knitting Mom 


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Megan's Beanie

Here is a darling picture of Megan Bikab, Ben's girlfriend. I knit this beanie and scarf for Christmas for her. And it is surely cold enough here in Colorado for them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Humility today

Today is a day of humility. Humbling myself and admitting I was wrong. Have been wrong. Will probably be wrong again. I have sinned against another human being very badly. With no thought given to it. Totally intentional to be proud and arrogant and controlling and all important and bossy. But not with the thought that I was SINNING against someone. And it comes to the fore in a very big way - today.
God is teaching me about humility. He has been for some time. And I have been so proud that He has been teaching me. Wow, Janet. Could it get any worse? Probably.
Today I ask for forgiveness. Today probably won't begin a whole new relationship with this person. And I am not even sure there will be forgiveness. But today I ask.
Today I don't try to explain why I have been abominable. Today I ask for forgiveness and admit my guilt and wrong. Today - one more step into understanding the depth of my sin and depravity and SELF and trusting that God has planned this and will use it to HIS glory.

And today I find joy in this that God loves me enough to discipline me. The hard way.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Holy Cowl!

I found this funky chunky yarn for a cowl to knit for Elizabeth. I wasn't sure at all how it would turn out but I loved it! I love the autumn colors, too. Now, when it is cold, rainy, and snowy, I know she has a knitted hug from me around her.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Treasures in the Box

Eric and I have started going through the accumulated boxes of nearly 34 years of marriage and parts of the lives lived before that. Then there are boxes containing memories of and for Elizabeth and Benjamin. I was struck this morning how intermingled these memories are. How the question "what do I do with THIS?" always ends up being either "Goodwill" or put it in Elizabeth's box. (Being the firstborn comes with privileges AND curses.)

When we see these headlines, we always reflect on "where was I?" When JFK was assassinated, I was in the third grade and on the playground. School was dismissed that day.

When Armstrong walked on the moon, I was at my friend Carolyn's house and I remember watching it on television and then going into her front yard and staring at the full moon with amazement. MEN ARE WALKING AROUND UP THERE.

                     Then there was the time I turned 15...This really hip card was from my
                  mom and is in my scrapbook from high school which is really falling apart.

For some strange reason, I lettered in orchestra. They must have had extra "letters" that year. I was never really any good at an instrument and didn't care all that much. Social event for me mainly.

Graduation from high school, one year of college, joined the Navy, met Eric, got married. All wrapped up right there. What to do with these pictures? I know! Put them in Elizabeth's box!

High school pennants for football games. A tin with Elizabeth and Ben's baby teeth in it. Yeah, I know. Eeeww. A Navy commendation medal. A pajama bag that I had as a toddler. Antique! Elizabeth's assorted stuff from Korea, a vest, toy bag and slippers.

Where do collections of old treasures and memories go to die?  No one can keep this stuff forever. The things, the stuff, the memories. How on earth, literally, to deal with them? Downsizing is a reality for all of us at some point. What to keep? What to throw? How to do it? How to organize it? And why?

I guess that is the big question for me - Why? Anyone have any thoughts on this? And how have YOU kept YOUR memory boxes? And what treasures do YOU keep?